Check out these useful putting tips from PGA Partner Glenmuir to give yourself the best chance of holing more putts.

One thing that is essential is to hit the ball out of the middle of the putter face. We hear plenty about the sweet spot with other clubs but less so with the putter. However, this is the club that you’re going to hit more often than any other and you’re not going to hole many putts by off-centre strikes.

The One-Handed Putt

Tiger Woods loves to putt with just his right hand, to help with the flow and release of the putt.

So set up with tees either side of your putter, allow for some room for manoeuvre and begin hitting a few putts with just your right hand. This should help to free up your stroke and give you a really strong feeling of how a good putt should come off the putter face. 

The Two-Tee Drill

To help get a stable contact place two tees either side of the ball with half the ball showing on the putter side. Now hit a few putts. If you are prone to hitting your putts with top spin or out of the toe or heel then you will now notice how much better you are now striking your putts.

The Tee Gate Drill

This is another great drill to help with feedback on a putt and to improve your visualisation on the greens.

Find a putt with some break and place two tees in front of the hole as a gate to where you want the ball to travel. Many amateurs under-read or under-hit their putts and will end up hitting the tee on the low side.

Aim for the high tee and start hitting positive putts, trusting the slope of the green rather than trying to manipulate anything with the putter. This is a great way of picturing how your putts will start finding the bottom of the cup more and to give yourself a better understanding of pace.