The importance of controlling your breathing on the golf course

Burnham & Berrow head teaching professional Nicola Stroud on how to stay focused and in control on the golf course.

Many, if not all, golfers suffer with nerves on the course. It is all very natural and can be for any number of reasons – for example the environment, situation or maybe some self-doubt.

Our personalities can also affect how we are as golfers. In my experience, golfers who tend to swing too quickly are often the type of people who cannot sit still and are always on the go. They might be able to cope with a fast swing more than someone with a relaxed personality. However, no golfer can cope with a snatchy and out-of-control rhythm and most golfers need to work on a smoother rhythm that builds up in tempo.

There are a number of ways to settle your nerves and anxiety on the course. We're all different so try them all and see which ones you prefer. Like anything in golf, you must train yourself to be good at these things, they won't just magically happen and give them time and put the work in before deciding if it’s for you or not.

1. As easy as 1 2 3

One way to cope with nerves is to work on your breathing. Next time you hit a shot I want you to count “1 2 3, 1 2 3” out loud as you hit the ball. You will probably notice a sudden hitch in your voice and realise that you hold your breath for the duration of your swing. When we hold our breath, our muscles tighten, we grip tighter and our swing becomes very disconnected which is no good for our game.

2. It’s your birthday

Another method is to imagine a birthday cake with lots of candles. You are going to smell the cake, then blow out the candles slowly. When you next hit a ball imagine your birthday cake. Once you’ve completed your pre-shot routine, including your mental rehearsal, and are ready to play the shot breathe in through your nose (to the count of 3 or 4), then as soon as you begin your exhale, start your takeaway and hit the ball.

Don’t worry about what happens during your exhale or whether you run out of breath by the time you reach the top of your backswing - this is irrelevant. As long as you’ve started your swing in this calm state, you’ll be fine!

Hopefully you should notice that by concentrating on your pre-shot routine and including your breathing routine within it means that you don’t have space for negative thoughts to intrude. This makes internal and unnecessary chatter a thing of the past and will result in some great swings and shots.

Advanced PGA Professional Nicola Stroud is the Head Teaching Professional at Burnham & Berrow Golf Club in Somerset.