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There are many ways to swing a golf club.

According to the mechanics and physics used in Homer Kelley’s seminal instruction book, The Golfing Machine, the variables at play in the process of getting a club to connect with a ball could account for nearly 450 quadrillion possible swings.

Kelley’s comprehensively detailed manual, which was first published in 1969, applied science to the swing and in this lesson, Steve homes in on the hands to help you improve your ball-striking and consistency.

One of Kelley’s swing theories suggested that the golfer should stop monitoring the clubface and, instead, focus on what the hands are doing. To do this, Kelley promoted a practice drill whereby you swing with your eyes closed to educate your hands. Sound complicated? Well, it is but Steve breaks Kelley’s analysis and procedures down for you and, in an eye-opening tutorial, he will help you understand what your hands are doing during the swing.

Watch this video and that swing may just benefit from the appliance of science.

About Steve Johnston

PGA Advanced professional Steve Johnston is a hugely successful YouTuber, a member of the Bunkered magazine tuition panel and creator of the Eureka Golf Swing.